Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas from L

I don't have much time to write, but wanted to share this story.  Warning, it is about pee.  I think it's hilarious, even though I did not enjoy cleaning it up.

Little L still has a hard time with diaper changes.  Now that he's stronger, it seems impossible sometimes.  He has been extra feisty lately, probably due to teething. While changing his diaper, he got away from me.  It happens often and isn't usually a big deal.  He ran right over to our tree, which is currently his favorite place in our whole house :) and peed all over it.  Sometimes I think I'm raising a pack of animals.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Ha!  It seems like all of my recent posts have been related to sicknesses.  We have, once again, been hit HARD.  Both kids came down with sicknesses last Thursday.  T had a cold and L had the stomach flu.  This stomach flu was not joke!  I know...because I caught it too.  So did J...and then T... then my mom and sister, and even my grandma had a touch of it.  It was brutal.  I still can't believe how sick we all were.  Poor, sweet, little L had it the worst, though.  It's so sad to see a baby sick.  It was his first stomach bug, and in all honesty, he still isn't over it.  He has had diarrhea for 10 (TEN!!!) days.  Thankfully it's not bad now and he hasn't thrown up in almost a week, but still, it's been rough on his little body.  His little tush broke out in a rash, complete with blisters.  Into disposables he went.  With all of the throw up laundry, and everything else, I wasn't dealing with diapers.  Plus, I can't use the really powerful rash cream with those.  I finally had enough yesterday and made the switch back to cloth.  YAY!!!  It was a very exciting day for me.  The disposables smell awful, not to mention I felt guilty every time I put one of those chemical filled pieces of garbage on my child.  Disposables don't contain the poo like cloth diapers, either.  They leak.  A lot.  I figured, if I'm washing poop out of clothes all day long, I might as well put him back in the cloth!  At least then, he wont need a bath every time.  Anyway, back to the sicknesses.  I do have mono, but it's not as bad as I was expecting.  I guess I have a pretty light case.  It really feels very similar to the very beginning of a pregnancy (No, I'm not pregnant).  I'm tired all day long and have a hard time getting out of bed, and often go to bed early, but I still function throughout the day.  I'm grumpier because I'm tired, and I've been getting head aches from the sleepiness.  All in all, I can't complain.  I seriously thought I wouldn't be getting out of bed for a month and I'm very pleased with the way it's working out.  I can't wait for it to be gone, still :)  I tried to blog early last week, or maybe the week before.  Anyway, our situation was very funny to me when this sickness started.  I was stressed about mono again, we were hit with the flu again, and a little girl at church came down with Chickenpox, so we were on chickenpox watch again.  Sound familiar?  It's the EXACT same thing as a month ago.  Mono, Chickenpox, flu.  Yep, exactly the same.  Ha! 

That's it for the night. I'm hoping to blog more this week.  Key word is "hoping."  L is still very clingy and doesn't like me to put him down, so I might not be able to get on again.  I have some fun things to share (like our Christmas tree pics).   Good night!