1. Catch up by 7 days on my Bible reading plan (so I will be 12 days behind, still way too many, but it's a start and more realistic than catching up completely)
2. Turn off all electronics between 9-12:30 every week day.
As you can see, I finished all but two of these goals. I came VERY close to finishing those two, but didn't. Now for the sad news...I did not do any Bible reading last week, so I'm back to where I started, and then some. My hubby loved my taquitos and they are no longer in the freezer. I'm planning to make more very soon. He agreed to help me with them so we can make even more. They really are delicious! This week, I'm not really sure if I'll be able to much. Actually, I'm not sure if I'll be able to do much over the next couple of months!! Baby girl is now full term and she could make her appearance any day now. With that in mind, I'm going to have to be flexible and keep my list kind of light. Even if she isn't born this week (or next....or the week after...), I'm still very big and uncomfortable. I get tired very quickly and just don't have the energy. So, having said that, here are my goals for this week :-)
1. Catch up on my Bible reading plan (Acts 16-28, Est 5-10, Gen 29-50, Mark 1-3)
2. Turn off all electronics between 9-12:30 every week day.
3. Freezer cooking. I want to make muffins, taquitos, and hamburgers (J will do the hamburgers)
4. Play date
5. Doctor's appointment! 37 weeks!
6. Paint Baby's room (another goal for J instead of me)
7. Do a craft with the boys.
8. 1 complete load of laundry per day!
9. Daily reading with the boys. T and I are working on Charlotte's Web, L just likes any random book. I want to sit down with them for at least 20 minutes after lunch to read.
10. Stick to meal plan.
So there you have it. My goals for this week. A lot of sitting, some things for J, and whatever I don't get to, I don't get to. It's ok :-)