I'm just going to write a little about the past two weeks, and then you will understand why I haven't been on here much.
Wed, April 20- Take both boys to the pedi for pink eye... both boys, in both eyes. Dr also sees T's ear getting irritated and tells me to watch out for ear infection. We are stuck at home until the eyes clear up. We also talk about L's reflux, which is still a problem. He switched L's meds around a little and said if it doesn't clear up, we may have to look into testing.
Thurs, April 21- T gets his very first ear infection. Stops taking eye drops and starts on Amoxicillin.
Sat, April 23- Fun day out with friends, but L is starting to cough a lot, has more gunk in his eyes, and a runny nose. Red flags are up, but we enjoy our day anyway.
Sun, April 24- Easter Sunday! L is SICK! Miserable! CRANKY! We skip church and try to calm this screaming baby. Little did we know what the next week would be like.... Also, I decided officially to go off Gluten (wheat) to see if it helps L's reflux.
Tues, April 26- Call nurse line to ask for advice for screaming, miserable, sick baby. She said it sounds like a nasty cold and give it another day or two before going in. This is the day L's fever peaked. He has been up 3 times, if not more, a night since Sunday and would be up for an hour or so. It was honestly a nightmare and I dreaded night time. I hate to hear him scream like that! His reflux continues to act up as well.
Wed, April 27- L's fever is down, but the screaming continues, gets worse even, so in we go to see the pedi. Again. He has an ear infection. Off eye drops, onto antibiotics. I go to fill his prescription during a nasty storm, don't check it before I leave, get home during tornado watches and warnings, and find that they filled his prevacid but didn't give me his antibiotic :/ Once the storm clears a little and all tornadoes pass (thankfully none hit our immediate area), J goes back out to get the antibiotics.
Fri, April 29- L is doing better, still screams during bed/nap time, but overall seems pleasant again. I have a cake order to fill, but seem to have caught L's nasty cold. On top of that, I get a migraine. First one in years and it's a doozie! Thankfully my mom was there to save the day. J gave me some medicine and I soon felt good enough to work on the cake a little too.
Sat, April 30- Finish the cake, T finishes his antibiotic, I take the kids on a hike with my parents.
Sunday, May 1- We decide to skip church again. I felt terrible and L is still pulling his ears and crying. A LOT. at bed time, naps, and diaper changes.
Mon, May 2- Back to the pedi we go! We went in because I was concerned about L's ears since he was pulling on them and so cranky. I thought maybe he was screaming every time I laid him down because something was going on in there. Turns out he's doing much better! Still has fluid, but it looks good otherwise. Dr thinks it's from teething pain. Later that day, we noticed lots of pokadots on T's tummy. Upon further inspection, we noticed he also had them in his arm pits and other places. We didn't think it looked like bug bites, or a reaction to anything he ate since we was covered in them. Early chicken pox? He didn't have blisters, though. So off we go again. I think the entire pediatrician's office knows us by name :/ The doctor *thinks* it's a delayed reaction to the antibiotics that he STOPPED taking two days ago. He said to keep an eye on T to make sure he doesn't get a fever or other symptoms of chicken pox. While I'm bummed that T has hives, I cannot tell you how relieved I am that it isn't chicken pox! We NEED a healthy house! I'm so tired of the sicknesses! I'm tired of going to the pedi.
That brings us to today, T's hives look better, L only woke up twice (although he still screamed like crazy), and I still have the nasty cold. It's not as nasty as when L had it, thankfully. Its more just annoying. I'm hoping, PRAYING, things get back to normal soon :) If you don't see any updates from me in a while, though, you know why!
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