My sweet little guy is now a 3 year old! I can't believe how fast these kids are growing. Unfortunately we didn't get a lot of pictures from his party (forgot my camera), but we celebrated at my community's lake. It was fun but he got overwhelmed by the end. He told his grandmother, "I don't want to be the birthday boy anymore." Lol! Poor kid! I try to ask the kids some questions on their birthday. I don't know what I did with last year's answers, but here is how my L answered this year:
Favorite Food: Snacks
Least Favorite: Carrots
Favorite Toy: Nemo (He just got this for his birthday. He's played with it twice)
Favorite Game: wrestling
Favorite TV show: JoJo's Circus (this changes weekly)
Best Friend: Daddy and T
Favorite Place to Go: Chick Fil A
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Book: Cars
Favorite Song: Veggie Tales
Future Career: Fly Helicopter
The following day was Princess' half birthday. At 6 months old, C can sit up by herself (she's even pushed herself into a sitting position twice!). She has started scooting across the floor, gets on all fours and rocks, and has had a taste of banana and a baby mum mum. She loves both and so badly wants to eat more! Poor girl has to wait until we get back from our vacation, though. This momma doesn't want to deal with those types of dirty diapers while we are gone (breast fed poo washes out, but once babies start solids, you have to dump and get it off first). She also loves hair, her thumb, and people. She is not a fan of diaper changes and being away from her Mommy.
We are in the process of planning for school (something else that has to wait until we get home from the beach). This year, I've decided against a curriculum. Well, actually I did buy a reading curriculum, but we didn't buy math, language, or anything else. I came to the realization that one of the main reasons we chose to homeschool is because I don't want these boys sitting at a table doing papers all day long, so why would I do that at home? Plus, we feel convicted to pay off our car and not buying curriculum will save us money. That makes extra work for me, but I've had fun putting together games and projects to do in place of paperwork. I will try to keep this blog posted on our fun stuff. But you know me and blogging ;-)
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