I know I said that I was going to try to blog more often and obviously that hasn't happened. Life has just been CRAZY over the past few weeks and honestly, like a lot of the goals I set at the beginning of the year, the blog fell to the wayside. I'm back... at least for today... but I'm not going to do a normal post. Instead, I feel like this would be a good time to update everyone on some of the things going on and to ASK FOR PRAYER!
* J is job searching. Again. His company keeps losing the contracts that he works on. They want to keep him but it's still a stressful time for us. He has one possible offer. Well, he has the offer, but the company doesn't have the contract yet. They find out in a few weeks if they got it or not, and if they get it (80% sure they will), he has a job. A wonderful job! One that he will enjoy, get a pay raise, and set us up for long term goals (like our eventual move to somewhere WARMER!).
* T is in the middle of the terrible twos, and it certainly is TERRIBLE! Everything, and I mean everything is a challenge! J and I need prayers to help us be kind, loving and WISE parents! We are really trying to set an example of a Godly lifestyle and we're trying to use self control, but we're worn out and tired of the constant battles.
* Both kids have been sick for ages. Prayer for their healing and that J and I stay healthy.
* I'm trying to start a cake business. I want to do it all the right way, but I do not have a business mind and I definitely don't understand the legal stuff. I just want to decorate cakes! So again, I need wisdom and guidance.
* Along with a new attitude, T has become even more of a dare devil. He's never been afraid of heights or other dangerous things. It's become a major issue now that he is more coordinated and capable of getting into/onto things. In the past week, he's pulled down his huge dresser from climbing on it (if I hadn't already believed in angels, that would have been enough to convince me! He landed to the side of it instead of getting crushed under it! Bad baby proofing on our end and we now have his dresser anchored! Learn from my mistake and anchor your furniture!!!). He has figured out how to open the front door and storm door, even with ALL locks on. He climbs over the safety gates at the top of the stairs. AND he has been climbing his window, which is two and a half stories up. We are now that family with gates in our windows :( But at least he's safe. We are frantically trying to figure out where else we've forgotten to baby proof before he really does hurt himself. Anyway, pray for his safety... and more wisdom for J and me!
* Since we're talking about T so much, I have one more to add to his list of prayer requests. I recently found some strange bruises on his back, near his tushy. The doctor thinks some are from his car seat and some are from his diapers, but she was extremely concerned and wanted us back in, in a month. I called the car seat makers and the diaper company. Both are working on fixing the problems and I'm grateful for that! We got a brand new car seat for free and already we've seen a big improvement! I also started buying new diapers (even though the brand we used said they would send us a new product that they think will fix the problem, I didn't want to wait that long. I would rather fix the problem now!). He was in last week for his cold/diarrhea problem and the dr was really happy with how well his back looked. Of course, as soon as I got home I found another bruise higher up on his back. Pray that it's still just from something random and not something serious.
* Last but not least, pray for my attitude. I am exhausted and drained which makes me cranky and mean. I shouldn't use that as an excuse, but I think we all get that way in situations like these. I need to become the nice and loving wife and mother that God commands of me. I need to be more patient. I need to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. I need to put others first. I also want to get back my motivation to be a good house keeper and cook.
Reading over this, I see that my issues are nothing compared to what many people go through. I shouldn't complain about so much, and I definitely shouldn't stress out so much. But I am. I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things and continue working toward my goals listed in my very first blog post, it's just taking me a little time to get back on track.
PS. While you're praying, pray for my sister and her boyfriend! Her man is getting deployed... tomorrow...4 months early. He will be gone for 11 months without a break in the middle. He will have little contact with her. My sister is a strong girl! God created her with a personality that is PERFECT for this life style, but it's still hard, as I'm sure you could imagine. She's absolutely amazing but she still has to spend close to a year away from the man she loves.
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